Is Bigger Better?

Why do some people have the 'my horse is bigger than yours' mentality?

Is Bigger Really Better? 😏

I’m speaking about the recreational rider that is dead set on buying a 17hh horse because she has the belief that it will make her appear more impressive than owning a smaller, more suitable horse.

Why do some people have the 'my horse is bigger than yours' mentality?  

There are several reasons why people may exhibit this mentality:

  1. Social comparison: People naturally tend to compare themselves to others as a way of evaluating their own worth and abilities. In some cases, individuals may feel the need to prove their worth or superiority by demonstrating that they have more or are better than others.
  2. Insecurity: People who feel insecure about themselves or their achievements may engage in a "my horse is bigger than yours" mentality as a way of compensating for their insecurities. By trying to prove their superiority over others, they may seek validation and boost their self-esteem.
  3. Competitiveness: Some individuals are inherently competitive and thrive on competition. They may engage in a mentality of comparison and one-upmanship as a way of satisfying their competitive drive and achieving a sense of victory or accomplishment.
  4. Status and recognition: In some cases, people may engage in this mentality as a way of seeking status, recognition, or approval from others. By demonstrating that their "horse" is bigger, they may hope to gain admiration, respect, or validation from their peers.
  5. Cultural and societal influences: Cultural norms and societal pressures can also play a role in fostering a competitive mentality. In societies that place a high value on material wealth, success, or social status, individuals may feel the need to compete and assert their superiority over others.

Research in the horse world says that at least half the riders out there do not understand horse height in relation to a human’s height and weight. And most of those people believe that a bigger horse is better.


In fact, a short horse with a wide barrel, good conformation and solid bone structure is better suited to carrying a larger person than a tall horse with a narrower build. People tend to get hung up on the size of a rider and whether or not a horse will be too small for them. 

Advantages of a smaller horse 

  • Generally speaking, shorter horses are more athletic, as far as speed and turning is concerned, and they’re easier to get on and off of. And let’s face it, if you fall, on a shorter horse, you’re closer to the ground! 

Advantages of a larger horse

  • For some disciplines, such as jumping, larger horses are can be better than smaller horses. 
  • Smoother paces?

Disadvantages of a larger horse

  • Needs a bigger stable, trailer/ lorry, in fact, bigger everything!


Find the right horse or pony for the job you want it to do and don't worry too much about the size. 😜

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