Where should I be placing my saddle on my horse?
It is very common for people to place their saddle too far forward on their horses, which can cause a number of problems!
You should make sure that the tree points of your saddle sit about 2 fingers behind the scapula. One way to insure it is in the correct position is to place it up on the shoulders and pull it back until it “locks” into place.
What is the scapula and how can I tell where it is?
The scapula is their shoulder bone- you can tell where it is by feeling around and feeling the large bone that has a rounded edge.
What happens when I do place my saddle too far forward?
- Your saddle may sit pommel high causing the rider to tip back and the rear of the saddle to dig into the horses back.
- You can damage the scapular cartilage from the scapula constantly digging into the tree points of the saddle.
- You can cause muscle atrophy and white hairs.
- You can cause behavioral problems to form due to pain.
- It can make it difficult for the horse to properly use their back.
- And so much more…
(Not my photos)