Saddler or Saddle Fitter?

Do you know the difference between a saddler and a saddle fitter?
A SADDLER is trained, skilled and qualified to make and repair saddlery and leatherwork including bridles, saddles and harness.
A SADDLE FITTER is a qualified person who is able to fit a suitable saddle to the horse and rider based on initial assessments. Saddle Fitters can play an integral part of a horse’s success, whether that be for general riding or in competition. Saddle Fitters carry out static and dynamic assessments of horse and rider, measure a horse for the purpose of having a saddle made and assess, evaluate and advise horse owners on the fit of a saddle.
Wendy Eames is both! She is also qualified in the following –
- TTeam practitioner level 1
- The Equine touch Intermediate
- Qualified Myler bitting technician
- Beta courses in bitting, hat and body protector fitting
Don’t forget there are BRIDLE FITTERS too. Wendy has over 20 years of fitting experience and will be taking her formal bridle fitting qualification soon!