Saddle slips..

Where does your horse want you?
Do you know? Can you feel it?
As your saddle fitter or equine body worker we step into your journey maybe once every four or five weeks, if you’re in rehabilitation with your horse, or if not possibly every four or five months. Between visits your horse may have moved yards, changed trainer or rider, gone barefoot, changed discipline and the list goes on.
If you can understand your horse better, you have more chance of guiding your equine professionals when you feedback your progress.
I love watching horses position themselves when I stop to chat with the rider. Many horses just place the rider exactly where they want you. Left or right, they know what works for their body and it’s compensating patterns.
Do you know where your horse likes you to sit?
Gathering just that simple piece of information gives you a better understanding of your horse’s requirements. Once you know that it’s working how that affects motion and the why? Now that takes more work, and not just the job of a saddle fitter and body worker. Vital and most key to correction is a coach that can see the asymmetry and is educated in helping you to correct your horses asymmetry or disfunction. Motion therapy is the winner!!