Prices start from £65 per horse, flocking rebalances £90 and complete £120. Exact price is determined by area / miles to travel and will be confirmed prior to confirmation of booking.
£10 discount per horse if on same yard
Please allow 1.5 hours for fitting and 1hr for a check, as it is a skilled job that can not be rushed. Saddles are fitted on the day of fitting only.
Ridden Check
A ridden check will be required on a flat surface (if possible). Rider MUST have boots and hat for the ridden check.
Please have your horse/pony and equipment clean and ready, ie… Bridle, saddlecloth, girth, leathers, irons.
We cannot forsee the future changes in your horses as for many reasons they can change shape. Templates and records are done on the day of fitting.
Horses can change by 5cm in as little of 2 weeks when they are free to move and not blocked.