Jeffries Gentle Grackle Bridle – Premium Range


Jeffries Gentle Grackle Bridle – Premium Range is designed to fit based on the anatomy of the individual horse through its unique bilateral three ring adjustment system – this means the bridle will find the most natural place to sit on your horse/pony’s head decreasing pressure on the sensitive areas.

The hinge brow band fits around the shape of the skull. The Grackle nosebandfeatures bi-lateral rings, a central nose pad with four individual links allowing for the pressure to be evenly distributed. The straps behind the jaw and mouth are padded for comfort and fitted with a pocket to conceal the buckles.

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Jeffries Gentle Grackle Bridle – Premium Range

The placing of the bridle avoids as far as possible the superficial branches of the trigeminal nerve, the stimulation of these nerves has been associated with some forms of headshaking.The Gentle Cavesson bridle is designed to give your horse the best possible experience of wearing a FEI approved competition legal bridle.

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